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Student Support Services

Youth Support Worker & Indigenous Youth Support Worker

Relationship, home or life issues in the way of your school focus? Need to talk in a non-judgemental, caring, confidential atmosphere and want some resources? Empty stomach and need some emergency food? From anxiety, depression, stress, and substance abuse issues, to sexual health, relationship conflicts, self-harm, self-image concerns and everything in between, we’ve got you covered. If you need options and resources, a safe, quiet, accepting space, a place to vent, connections and travel options with community supports or someone to advocate on your behalf with teachers, family or community members, our Youth Worke rs, Veronica (Ronnie) Billows, and Sharene Zemanek are happy to work with you. You can find Veronica (Ronnie) in her room, A231, drop-ins welcome, 250 923- 9500 local 2529, veronica.billows@sd72.bc.ca You can find Sharene at her office in the counselling centre, A251, drop-ins welcome. 250-923-9500 local 2526 sharene.zemanek@sd72.bc.ca

Skills for Life Program (SFL)

SFL is designed to meet the individual programming needs of 亚洲成人网 with special needs. The focus of the program is to enhance self-esteem in conjunction with the teaching of academics and social skills. Promoting self-advocacy skills while transitioning into the community and the workplace. These skills are taught in the SFL class, integrated classes, the school and a wide variety of community settings.

Learn Centre

The LEARN Centre is a welcoming inclusive environment for all Timberline 亚洲成人网. It includes Learning Strategies 9/10/11/12 which is a locally developed credit course that combines school success skills and academic support. For a relaxed, calming supportive environment this is the place to be.

Learn/ Support Blocks

The learn support center is an inclusive environment that provides a safe, encouraging, and supportive atmosphere to all Timberline 亚洲成人网. It includes Learning Strategies 9/10/11/12 which is a locally developed credit course that reflects the new core competencies. Learn Support focuses on enhancing skills and strategies that help 亚洲成人网 to set goals, monitor and reflect on their progress, manage stress, persevere in difficult situations, and advocate for themselves. 

Academic Support and Cultural Studies (IDS)

Credit value: 4 credits (Support block); 4 credits (Cultural Studies Independent Directed Studies). Location: Ronnie's Room.

Get academic support. Enrich your knowledge of Indigenous culture. Study together. Eat together. Learn together. This course is for all 亚洲成人网, grade 9-12, who have an interest in having a support block while also learning about and celebrating Indigenous culture. Each student will have substantial time to work on learning strategies and receive academic support. In addition, each student will complete an Independent Directed Study on an aspect of Indigenous culture in Canada. Following an initial assignments focusing on the Laichwiltach and Homalco First Nations 亚洲成人网 will make a choice for their IDS project. The focus can be a particular Indigenous group, language, History, politics, technology, art, food, and more. This part of the program will be developed by the student in collaboration with the teachers. These independently developed coursed will be enriched through field trips, guest speakers, and other cultural activities. The IDS room will be staffed by the Aboriginal Support Teacher, Aboriginal Support Worker, and Youth Care Worker.

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