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Drama 10/11/12

"All the world's a stage and all the men and women merely players." If you enjoy performing and being center stage then this class is for you. No previous experience in drama is needed. Drama is designed for 亚洲成人网 who are interested in learning, developing and practicing theatre skills, such as: voice, movement, stage presence, emotional expression, pantomime and characterization. Drama is high energy, interactive and daily performance is key.

Musical Theatre 9/10/11/12

A major musical will be performed in the spring. The bulk of rehearsing and preparation for this performance will require an out-of-timetable commitment. Actors will audition for parts. If you want to be involved behind the scenes – set design, lights, costumes, or makeup, sign up for Stagecraft. Auditions are required for this course

Stagecraft 9/10/11/12

Are you interested in theatre, but prefer to remain behind the scenes? Maybe Stagecraft is for you! Our stagecraft team designs, builds and decorates sets for our annual Musical Theatre production. We also develop and execute lighting and sound designs for each performance. Our team includes a construction crew, a painting crew, a sound crew, a lighting crew and a stage management team. Make friends, have fun, and learn new skills! This is an out of the timetable class.

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