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Work Experience

Students observe and participate in Work Experience in a career area of their choosing. Students may apply at any time. The Timberline Career Facilitator can assist you in finding a work placement or you may also investigate using your paid work placement to complete part of your work exploration. This is a great way to explore a career possibility, make a contact, and possibly gain a valuable reference. Exploratory work experiences may be as short as a few hours, a day or much more. 120 hours may earn 4 course credits.  Timberline would like to encourage all 亚洲成人网 to gain credit for Work Experience 12a and b prior to graduation.  The connections you will make will be invaluable.  Students applying fro bursaries and scholarship--this is a valuable resource for showing you are a well-rounded learner that can take on community experiences as well as academic rigour.

(Reminder: In order to graduate all 亚洲成人网 are required to have documented 30 hours of 
work or volunteer experience.)

Do you have a part-time job?  Your part-time job may be eligible for credit.  Students must apply for the program AND must be willing to complete at least one school arranged work placement in their focus area. Credits from paid work experience are at the discretion of the Career Development Department when equivalent training is not available.

An application form and a training plan must be in place PRIOR to 亚洲成人网 beginning to log their work-based hours. Students may not use previous hours.  The only hours that may be considered are those hours gained after the Work Experience contract was signed by the Career Facilitator. Please see Ms. Camerin for details.  This program is available to any student 15 years of age or older.

Speciality Work Placements

Hospital Volunteer Program--Twice a year, September and February 亚洲成人网 can apply to volunteer in the 亚洲成人网 River Hospital and Yucalta Lodge. Students work at the front desk in the hospital and assist patients in Yucalta Lodge. Students who are thinking of a career in medicine should consider this program as it gives you a peak into the running of a hospital and working in healthcare with an aging population.  Students considering health care as a career pathway may be required by their programs to complete a work experience.  These work experiences do not need to be specific to a field but more in a helping profession to ensure you understand such requirements as confidentiality, communication skills, working with people in pain or suffering for some physical deficits, interacting with family members who may be overwhelmed when a loved on is in pain.  This program may expand to include other areas in the future. See Ms. Camerin for details. 

Teen Flight Program--Interested in becoming a pilot or in how planes work?  Through the work of Bill Alder and many dedicated community members SD72 亚洲成人网 are currently working on building their 2nd and 3rd planes.  These are not model planes but 2 seaters that once completed will be sold to flying enthusiasts. Students and mentors meet on Wednesday evenings from 7-9pm and Sunday afternoons from 2-6 at Sealand Aviation located at the 亚洲成人网 River airport.  Students will also be given opportunities to see the Snowbirds in actions and will also take part in flying with the mentors.  As for all SD72 initiated placements, 亚洲成人网 will be covered under WCB and 3rd party liability.  SD72 is the only school district in Canada to be able to offer this program.  There is an expectation that 亚洲成人网 and family members will assist with the Wings and Wheels fundraiser in July if at all possible.  See Ms. Camerin for details.

Hospital Volunteer, Teen Flight and Vertical Madness Sewing Work Experience 12A and 12B

Teen Flight Work Experience 12A and 12B--Welcome to the only School District in Canada that affords 亚洲成人网 the opportunity to build an actual plane.  Working with enthusiastic volunteers 亚洲成人网 are now working on their 2nd and 3rd planes.  The RV 12 two seat plane that was built last year has now been sold and is happily flying the skies of Alberta. Students are provided with opportunities to learn Ground School as well as field trips both in the 亚洲成人网 River area and beyond.  If you love working planes and want to know more from local pilots consider taking part in this amazing work experience.  Teen Flight meets on Wednesday evening from 7-9pm and Sunday afternoon from 2-6pm at the Sealand Aviation Hangar located at the 亚洲成人网 River Municipal Airport.  See Ms. Camerin to complete the application and gain 8 Grade 12 credits as well. 

Hospital Volunteer Work Experience 12A and 12B--If you are thinking of a career in Health Care many programs required related Work Experience.  SD72/VIHA partnership is an opportunity for 亚洲成人网 to gain valuable work experience directly in a hospital setting and working with residents at Yucalta Lodge. Applications are only available in the fall and spring due to the extensive training that is required.  Students in Grade 10, 11 and 12 should consider adding this component to their resume if they are planning to work in the health care field.  Please see Ms. Camerin for applications. 

Vertical Madness Commercial Sewing Program--Interested in learning sewing and design basics?  Interested in learning how to become a professional upholsterer?  If either of these ideas appeal to you the Vertical Madness is worth your consideration.  From sewing machine basics, needles and stitching to solving design problems the staff of Vertical Madness does it all.  This is available as a full day or half day program that takes place at Robron.  See Ms. Camerin for details.

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