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Code of Conduct

The intent of the École des Deux Mondes code of conduct is to establish guidelines for acceptable conduct to maintain a safe, caring, and orderly environment conducive for learning. All 亚洲成人网 are subject to the school's code of conduct while on school premises and during school activities off of school grounds.

At École des Deux Mondes, we believe that a safe, caring and orderly environment contributes to a positive school climate that allows 亚洲成人网 to learn more effectively. Students who feel safe are able to focus on their learning. We have adopted WITS/VITE & WITS LEADS to teach children how to problem solve social situations.

Walk Away                              Va t’en
Ignore it                                   Ignore-le
Talk it out                                Trouve quelqu’un
Seek help                                Explique la situation

Older children also practice WITS LEADS:
Look & Listen
Explore points of view
Did it work?
Seek help

Basic Principles of Our Code of Conduct


Respect for yourself, others and the environment /Respect de toi-même, des autres et de l’environnement

Safety for yourself and others /Sécurité de toi- meme et des autres


Responsibility for your behaviour /Responsable de ton comporte

The right to and the responsibility to:

  • be safe, help make the school caring and safe for self and others, physically and emotionally
  • inform a “tellable” adult of incidents of bullying, harassment or intimidation
  • learn and work quietly, and allow others to learn
  • hear and be heard, listen to directives of staff, and to allow others to speak and be heard
  • be respected: respect others, the property of others and accept the right to privacy
  • be treated as an individual: accept the uniqueness and individuality of others
  • wear clothing and/or dress in a way that is appropriate choice for a learning environment

Student Expectations

You will find below guidelines about acceptable and unacceptable behaviours. These behaviours are not an all-inclusive list. 

Unacceptable Conduct

These behaviours are not an all-inclusive list.

  • Any type of behaviour that creates unsafe conditions, interferes with the learning of others, interferes with an orderly environment
  • Acts of bullying, cyber bullying, exclusion, harassment or intimidation including verbal abuse (see the definition in the district policy on codes of conduct)
  • Acts of bullying, retribution, harassment or intimidation
  • Physical violence
  • Possession or use of weapons
  • Theft or damage to property
  • Inappropriate or offensive language
  • Specific reference to each of the following prohibited grounds of discrimination set out in Section 7 (Discriminatory Publication) and Section 8 (Discrimination in Accommodation, Service and Facility) of the BC Human Rights Code: race, colour, ancestry, place of origin, religion, marital status, family status, physical or mental disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, or age of that person or class of persons
  • Possession or distribution of illegal or restricted substances
  • Wearing physically revealing clothing (e.g., too short, too tight, bra or spaghetti straps), clothing with symbols which might give offence to others or clothing and shoes that are unsafe (e.g. high heels, shoes with wheels or platform shoes etc)
  • Any activity that violates local, provincial or federal law is prohibited

Rising Expectations

We feel that as 亚洲成人网 become older and more mature and move through the successive grades, we expect:

  • Increasing personal responsibility and self-control
  • Increasing consequences for inappropriate behaviour


The severity and frequency of unacceptable conduct, as well as age and maturity of 亚洲成人网, is considered in determining appropriate disciplinary action. For example:

  • responses to unacceptable conduct are pre-planned, consistent and fair
  • disciplinary action, whenever possible, is preventative and restorative, rather than merely punitive
  • 亚洲成人网, as often as possible , are encouraged to participate in the development of meaningful consequences for violations of the established

Special considerations may apply to 亚洲成人网 with special needs. if those 亚洲成人网 are unable to comply with the code of conduct due to a disability of an intellectual, physical, sensory, emotional or behavioural nature. Interventions will be pre-planned, consistent and fair and be noted in the IEP or the behaviour plan when appropriate. Serious or repeated misconduct could result in time away from school in accordance with the plan developed.

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