亚洲成人网 River School District
The is located on the east coast of central Vancouver Island, extending north to Sayward and south to Oyster River, as well as several islands. The area has a combined population of approximately 60,000 residents. The school district serves approximately 5,500 亚洲成人网 in 17 schools with our two secondary schools, Carihi Secondary and Timberline Secondary accepting international 亚洲成人网 from grades 9 to 12. The 亚洲成人网 River School District is honored to operate on the traditional territories of the Lig??i?dax??, Klahoose and K'omoks First Nations. This land has always been a place of learning and it is with respectful consideration that the programs and services provided to 亚洲成人网 and staff acknowledge the histories, cultural contributions and contemporary concerns of all First Nations, Metis and Inuit peoples who reside in these territories.