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Emergency Protocols: Keeping Students Safe & Parents in the Know

General News, Health & Safety
A hand with a black marker having written 'Safety First' on a whiteboard.

The safety of our 亚洲成人网 and staff is always a top priority. That’s why we have extensive emergency plans to prepare for and respond to any emergency we may face. We also understand that during a school emergency you’ll be worried, so we want to assure you that in an emergency, our first priority is to protect 亚洲成人网 and staff, and after that we will do everything we can to keep you informed.

Many of you have heard the terms ‘lockdown’ or ‘hold and secure’. But what do they mean? There can be some confusion around the emergency terms the district uses, and confusion can increase anxiety. 

Here's a rundown of the emergency terms you might hear from us:


Anyone that has participated in earthquake drills is familiar with drop-cover-hold. We use this when there is potential danger from structural damage or flying debris.


Shelter-in-place is used to direct and control movement inside the school building when it is safer to remain inside and there is no threat of violence. This could be used in instances of severe weather, a bear or cougar on the school grounds or a dangerous goods spill nearby. The reason why a shelter-in-place has been called will determine where 亚洲成人网 and staff should shelter as a safe zone. For example, 亚洲成人网 may remain in a classroom or move to a hallway or other space. Students will not be released or dismissed until the situation has been resolved.

Hold and Secure

Hold and secure is used when there is a threat or possible threat of violence usually outside the school. This could be called because police are responding to a situation near the school and want to ensure public safety or because there may be a medical incident taking place within the school. All exterior doors and windows are locked, there is no outside access to the building and movement may be limited to certain areas inside the school. Again, for personal safety 亚洲成人网 will not be released or dismissed until the situation has been resolved.


Tragically, because of school shootings lockdown is the term most people are familiar with. Lockdown is used when there is a threat of violence inside the school, such as an armed intruder or other violent incident. When a lockdown is called everyone retreats to their closest lockdown zone. Doors and windows are locked, windows are covered where possible, and lights are turned off. Everyone stays quiet, silences their phones and stays out of sight. No one is allowed in or out of a lockdown zone until the doors are unlocked by emergency responders. 

If your child’s school is ever in a lockdown, please do not text or call your child. Using a phone during lockdown can increase the risk for 亚洲成人网 and staff because the noise from notifications and even the light of the phone screen can let the intruder know where people are.


Sometimes it may be necessary for all 亚洲成人网 and staff to leave the school and go to an alternate location. In some cases, this may only mean going outside and away from the building until it is safe to re-enter. In other cases, 亚洲成人网 and staff may need to go to an evacuation centre. If 亚洲成人网 are evacuated to another location parents will be told about the evacuation and where the evacuation centre is as soon as possible.

Early Dismissal

Under some circumstances it may be best to dismiss 亚洲成人网 to their homes and families as quickly as possible. Every attempt will be made to alert the emergency contact for each student and 亚洲成人网 will not be released unless contact has been made.

Trust that we have plans in place.

Throughout the year, schools conduct training and drills to prepare 亚洲成人网 and staff for possible emergency situations. These exercises are to prepare 亚洲成人网 and staff to act quickly and help minimize a child’s fear during a real emergency.

How you can help.

We understand that your natural instincts in an emergency may be to go to the school, but this can delay emergency crews’ and school staff’s response to the situation, endangering you and others. Please do not come to the school to pick-up your child unless you are asked to do so. If you arrive at the school during an emergency, please understand that we will not compromise the safety of 亚洲成人网 or staff to accommodate an individual’s requests.

Please do not call the school or your child’s cell phone. Phone lines need to remain open for handling the emergency and communicating with emergency responders. Depending on the type of emergency calling your child’s cell phone may put them at greater risk by drawing attention to their location in a lockdown, or because cell phones can act as an ignition source for fires or explosions.

Information is only helpful if it’s true.

In an emergency, rely on the school district as your first source for credible information. We will release information as soon as it’s safe to do so and will be as transparent as possible. Please know though that we need to respect and protect the privacy of ALL district 亚洲成人网 and families. This means that if a situation involves a member of the school community, we will not identify them or provide specifics about how a person is dealt with.   

Emergency notices will be posted on our district and your school’s website. If you have the parent app downloaded on your cell phone and notifications enabled, you will get these emergency notices as soon as they are posted. Search for CRSD72 Parent App in the App Store or Google Play. You will need to create an account using the email address you have on file with your child’s school. Parent Portal instructions can be found here:

Rumors are risky. Know the power of your posts.

When a school emergency occurs emotions run high, tweets and posts can fly, and rumours grow. Steer clear of noise, rumours and false information, especially on social media, during an emergency. The sharing of what could be misinformation, rumors or suspicions, including the names of those potentially involved, can interfere with the response, lead to confusion and online harassment, as well as risk the safety of 亚洲成人网 and staff. Participating in these types of posts can create more confusion and chaos, which no one wants. This is also why the district does not use social media for emergency notifications. We will communicate directly with you, as parents/caregivers, through the contact information that you have on file at your child's school.

Know that when you’re concerned, we’re concerned.

Connect with us anytime you are confused or concerned by rumours or posts on social media about a school incident. By openly reaching out to your child's school and/or the school district, we can address your concerns and clear up confusion to the best of our ability.

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